- 1การประชุม
- 13ผู้เรียนทั้งหมดที่ลงทะเบียนเรียน
- Englishภาษาเสียง
I have collected the most popular questions that I unavoidably get concerning past lives. So let's dive into it. You are free to ask further questions concerning this topic. No PL question is off limit.
Why are hypnotherapists reluctant to talk about past lives?
Do we have past lives? Is it possible?
Can a man be born as a woman?
What is it like to be regressed to a past life?
Can I do a past-life regression myself?
Do you remember your own past lives?
What if there is a memory that is too painful?
Can I get stuck in my past life?
Have you had an experience where the past life(s) was blocked and little if any info came through? If yes, what are the reasons and is there a 'workaround'?
Can a fear or anxiety come from an event that happened in a previous life or from a cellular memory?
How to clear old patterns/beliefs from past lives?
How can you tell if a past life experience is real or just imaginary?
Why are hypnotherapists reluctant to talk about past lives?
Do we have past lives? Is it possible?
Can a man be born as a woman?
What is it like to be regressed to a past life?
Can I do a past-life regression myself?
Do you remember your own past lives?
What if there is a memory that is too painful?
Can I get stuck in my past life?
Have you had an experience where the past life(s) was blocked and little if any info came through? If yes, what are the reasons and is there a 'workaround'?
Can a fear or anxiety come from an event that happened in a previous life or from a cellular memory?
How to clear old patterns/beliefs from past lives?
How can you tell if a past life experience is real or just imaginary?

เกี่ยวกับ Irina Furin

Irina Furin
The American Council of Hypnotist Examiners certifies me as a hypnotherapist. My instructor was Dr. John Butler, Gil Boyne's, the revolutionary master hypnotist's friend.
Transforming hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis changed my life so profoundly...
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