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- 186総学習者数
- 59合計セッション
- Oct 29, 2020活動開始日
- Chicago, United States位置
Liz graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology in May of 2000. She has worked in the Fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and a TRX group instructor.Following a running injury in 2003, Liz began Pilates and discovered how valuable it was to her then 24-year-old body. She completed the full STOTT Pilates certification in 2005 and launched the first MIDTOWN Pilates program. She worked eight years as a manager and instructor before leaving a large club setting for a studio and focusing only on her Pilates education and training.
When Liz is not teaching...
After attending several Pilates Method Alliance (PMA) Conferences, Liz joined the PMA organization as a member and a NCPT certified instructor. Her Pilates journey has taken her not only through STOTT Pilates Education but now includes several workshops and study from Deborah Lessen Pilates and the McEntire Pilates Arcus training as well as the Healthy Mom’s Prenatal and Post-natal certification.